Sunday, September 7, 2008

Best Movie of the Summer

The bomb is supposed to go else where in this blog, however Blogger hates me becuase I don't take him seriously. I mean seriously have you seen this blog?

Okay, I know the summer is over. But since this movie premired in the summer, it's a summer movie.


Reasons why it is the best movie so far this summer:
1. Jason Stratham. I'll let your eyes do my resoning for you. And yes, I know he sort of looks like Amy's brother.

2. The polt is much like Mario Kart. My love for this game is well documented.

Do your bests to get the guess boxes to blow other people up. Except in this movie, it"s real people and real guns. AWESOME!
So to sum up! Of the three movies I saw this summer (Dark Knight (SNOOZE FEST), Star Wars Cartoon and Death Race) Death Race is the most excellent movie.