Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Green M&M's

I'm all for Valentines Day. It's the holiday with the best candy and best color palete. However M&M's is ruining it with small, medium and large bags of M&M's.

For those of you without a pulse, green M&M's are suposed to make you horney. So my question is how many do you need?

If you're totally not in geting some lovin' if you eat all of the medium sized bag are you sort of horney? Or do you need the large bag? Or is the large bag the common man's bag o' crack? Or if you mistakenly take too many will you be found naked by your housekeeper? Or go on a rape and pillage spree? Will M&M take responsiblity for the irresponsible use of their product? There is no warning label!! Will someone be able to moleste the mayor and get off on the M&M defense?

AND horn dogs are not romantic. Horn Dogs are scary and should stop learing at me just because my skirt is short and I'm dressed in Zebra print.

Please people! Stick to Conversation Hearts. Which as far as I know, have not lead to the over poplulation of the earth.


Sarah said...

Wait a sec. Are we talking a whole bag full of green ones? Or just however many come in the random mix? If it's the whole bag then I think the small one should be sufficient for the single gal.

And conversation hearts are way more dangerous than the green M&Ms. Those babies are totally suggestive. Let's kiss? True Love? U R A Q T? Who doesn't get a little wound up when you see that one? My favorite is "Do Me" because nothing starts a conversation faster. Well maybe the dirty phrases on the Taco Bell hot sauce packets. "Polly want a taco?" That's so dirty! "Light my fire?" Well yes I will, and without the aid of the green M&Ms.

Amber said...

Green M&MS make you horney? Where have I been? I thought green M&Ms make you hit a home run in baseball! Or maybe it's just a home run…and it's left open for interpretation?